Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Weight Loss Aid

When you think about the many reasons why you'd some positive weight loss tips to bolster your armory of techniques and strategies, it comes as no surprise that any additional help you can get is always most welcome in your battle to lose the spare tire. So let's look at the importance of having the information that you need to succeed in achieving your goal and how you can best use it to really boost your chances of success.

It all begins with your initial foray into the world of weight loss where you are faced with a bewildering array of programs, plans, strategies and techniques all designed to supposedly help you to shed the number of pounds you decide you need to lose. Often, the choice put before you is overwhelming in its variety and sheer volume.

This is, of course not helped by the fact that the media is falling over itself to shove as many of these wonder plans in your face as it can in the hope that they can sell you something and pick up a commission for their trouble.

This is the first problem you are going to have to deal with in that most of what is presented to you may or may not be beneficial to you. It's a case of having to sort the wheat from the chaff, so to speak! That's because many of the plans that are being promoted are thrust at your door because they will make money for someone, not because they will necessarily help you to lose weight.

Sure, there are some bona fide weight loss companies out there that can help you to shed some of the excess pounds by using their plans, such as Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, South Beach Diet, Zone Diet and others. Alongside these established and trusted companies are a whole group of stylish dieting plans designed to target certain areas of your diet and exclude others in an attempt to cause you to lose weight and while some work for some people, others will not work for others.

This is because everyone is different and what works for one person may not necessarily work for someone else!

Knowing and understanding this important point, you can really boil it down to the company that you trust the most to come up trumps for you. This you will find out through recommendations from friends, family and colleagues who have tried the products and had success with them. Then there are the online review sites that fall into two categories.

1. Review sites that give an unbiased review of the product for no monetary gain

2. Review sites that simply promote the product for a commission per sale they generate.

Knowing which is which is not always easy as the obvious giveaway for the second category of review site would be great big ads plastered all over the page for the product being reviewed and the review itself being overly positive and nothing more than a thinly veiled sales pitch. However, honest reviews will be unbiased and provide negative points as well as positive points about the product.

Some will still carry an ad or two for the product but they won't be overly promotional and you can probably get a better feel of trust from them. The choice is yours whether you take what they say as honest or not.

So you see getting honest info is not always straight forward, but once you can train yourself to see past the obvious sales pitches and find the real, honest reviews and info pages, then you are in a much stronger position to really increase your chances of success by finding the advice that is good for you rather than the rubbish that is just trying to sell you something.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Weight Loss Spells?

Back again and with this post I want to take a look at some of the more less thought about weight loss methods and strategies that exist but that are every bit as valid as the mainstream ideas that are generally put about. So first of all, what am I talking about here when the title of this post says... "spells?" Well, I'll show you...

I'm not going to be going into the occult or paranormal here, far from it. All that stuff is probably better left to the Hollywood move makers imaginations to try to scare the hell out of us all!

No, what I'm going to look at here are some real life ways you can change your physical size by using the power of your own mind to work on your behalf, while using your body to work with the mainstream base methods such as eating the right foods and taking regular exercise.

Ok, I'll put a spell on you... first thing you should learn how to do is to meditate.


Meditation is absolutely the way to reduce stress in your life. It is stress that is helping your to gain weight by suppressing your body's own ability to function normally and shift the calories that you're putting in.

It is also making you put more calories in your body in the form of comfort eating or eating when your nervous or agitated. Ah, I see the light bulb glowing brightly above your head!

So by reducing stress, you place yourself in a stronger position to provide yourself with the right kind of weight loss aid so that you can deal with your size and your overall health while you're about it. Gets interesting, doesn't it?

Next up is to change your attitude. Far too many overweight people have a negative mental attitude which is keeping them locked in a cycle of weight gain and no way back. Get yourself into a positive frame of mind, one where you are certain beyond any shadow of a doubt that you are going to be losing weight naturally, and guess what starts to happen?

Yep, the pounds start dropping off as if by magic.

Magic spell?

Not really, just you setting your own mind the way you want it.

So there are some weight loss spells that aren't really spells at all, but natural, normal ways of thinking and being that can have a profound effect on your health and your body to provide the help that you need and deserve. So get smiling, get self-motivated, get positive and get out there to succeed!

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Does the Nutrisystem Diet Work?

Welcome back with a question that I bet plenty of people are asking and that's, "How reliable are Nutrisystem reviews?" Well, to answer that, you have to think along the lines of how any diet works and then the people that are going on the diet!

You see, not everyone will stick rigidly to any diet, no matter how good it may be and that's where they fall off and fail. Sure, its tough to stick with any diet and expect to enjoy yourself, but that's what has to happen if you want to lose weight. But there's more to it than even that.

What a lot of people who take on this or that latest great diet is they fail to combine that with exercise. That's right! It's no good dieting and not exercising as well. Do you want to know why?

When you are dieting and your body is not burning the calories you are consuming, you will still not lose any weight. You can even gain weight while you're on a diet if you don't exercise! Bet you didn't know that! Its true, because when you are not exercising, you are simply not burning many calories. If your intake of calories is high, you will gain weight pretty fast. So dieting can actually do no good without the body burning the calories its consuming.

What happens when you further restrict the calorie intake by going on a strict diet is that your body goes into survival mode which is a mechanism it has to cope with times of no or little food. It slows the metabolism and still manages to store some of the calories you consume as fat, even when you are consuming very few calories.

When you exercise, however, you start burning more calories and then your body starts to use up what you're consuming and then more. Then you start to use up the store of fat cells and your weight will begin to drop. That's how it works.

So going on something like the Nutrisystem diet can work very well as long as you also do some daily exercise to burn off the calories you consume. If you don't, then no diet system will work and you'll just give them all a bad press because you're too lazy to help yourself by doing the exercise that is essential to your success!

Think about that the nest time you read a diet review!

Weight Loss Tips

Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Weight Loss Spas

There are so many ways to lose weight thee days and so many methods to make it as easy or as hassle free as possible. One such easy way of losing weight is to plan a vacation at one of the many weight loss spas that are popping up everywhere and promise to make your holiday a fun and productive one at the same time.

So what's all the fuss about these weight loss spas?

Well, if you're planning a vacation anyway and haven't really got a set idea of where to go, then these spas as ideal in that they provide a very restful and stress free vacation while combining that much needed rest and relaxation with some good, honest weight busting programs designed to help you to shed a few pounds while not feeling like you are actually doing anything special to lose some weight.

Ok, maybe that's an over simplification, but you get the general drift.

There are various levels at which you can place yourself depending upon what you actually want to get out of the time spent at the spa. You can go for the easy treatment or you can get tougher with yourself and tighten up your diet choices so that the food is low calorie but still appetising. You can opt for the outdoor activities that are easy and fun to do, or sign yourself up to things like army assault course that will test your mettle as well as make you burn off more calories than you can possible consume while you're there, meaning you will definitely lose weight.

Its a great idea for a vacation if you also want to combine it with improving your health and shaping up your body at the same time!

Weight Loss Tips

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Diet Food Delivery

You may or may not be aware of this, but really simple to use, meal replacement diet food delivery plans are growing in popularity these days with a whole bunch of companies now providing specially formulated low calorie, low GI carbohydrate based ready meals that are delivered to your door.

I bet that got your interest, didn't it? And I'm guessing you want to know some more about it, don't you?

What is Diet Home Delivery?

The easiest way to describe what this kind of dieting system happens to be is to let the descriptive name for it give you a clue. I mean they are packages of ready-made low calorie meals that are shipped to your home that you select from a menu, depending on the company program you chose to buy them from.

The most popular companies that provide this service are Jenny Craig, Nutrisystem, Medifast, Diet-to-Go and Bistro MD and they can all be accessed online via their respective websites. I explain these meal replacement diets in more detail in that article page I just linked to in blue.

The way they work is once you get them delivered, you simply put them all in your freezer and then just take one meal out at a time to replace your usual meal. They work really well when those that go on them stick to them and don't cheat.

Problem is, most people who go on diets to lose weight will cheat!


It's a simple fact of life, although the real downer about it is that many of those people who do cheat, then complain the loudest that their particular diet meal delivery plan didn't work for them. Then they'll go on to give a variety of concocted reasons why they think it didn't work, when really it failed because they were stuffing a load of garbage down their gullets when they thought no one was looking.

So what is to be done about it?

Nothing can be done, except to educate people that if they want to spend money on trying to lose weight they should at least be honest with themselves and stick with it, no matter how tempted they are to eat other stuff. Its all about willpower and determination. If a person is determined enough to lose weight, they will do what they have to do in order to do it. If they are only half-hearted about it, they will fail. Simple as that.

How to Stick with a Diet?

Only a very low percentage of people who really do stick with a delivery diet food plan without cheating fail to lose any weight. But even that can be explained. It is likely that those people just relied on the diet alone to make them lose weight and one of two things happened.

One: They didn't actually need to lose any weight in the first place, but they were trying to look like some skinny model they saw on TV or in a glossy magazine. In that case, the body knows what it should be like and attempts to achieve a lower weight than is healthy can result in the body simply slowing down its metabolic rate to compensate for the reduction in calories consumed.

What that means is the body won't actually lose any of its mass because it will still store fat from unused calories (sugars).

Two: They did need to lose a few pounds only, but they didn't combine the diet with some daily exercise to ensure their bodies were burning more calories than they were consuming. Creating a negative calorie balance through right eating and exercising is actually the secret sauce that will bring dieting success.

Stick to the Plan and Exercise Daily

Either way in the above two examples, the plan will seem to have failed. But for most people who do it the right way, by that I mean they stick to the diet, don't cheat and do some daily form of exercise, success is almost guaranteed.

This is because their regular eating regimen is often not very healthy and loaded with trans fats, sugars, high GI carbs and artificial additives. So switching to a healthier diet is often enough to kick start the body's metabolism and cause more calories to be burned than are being consumed.

That's the way to lose weight, after all!

Reference: http://loseweight.intervalinc.com

Monday, 18 May 2009

Weight Loss Photos Help with Motivation

Everybody knows that when it comes to weight loss, some processes work perfectly for some, while others will be more successful for others. A good number of people maintain one means that they stay with to help them be a success at losing weight. One of the more remarkable techniques that is really effective is using photos to heighten your self-assurance and motivate you to lose weight.

Here's how it can be effectual for you too.

Weight loss is a not merely a combination of diet and exercise alone. It's also a mindset. When someone wishes to lose a few pounds, so long as they are optimistic, believe in themselves and are convinced they can succeed, then success will be theirs. Leave the details of diets and training routines to the experts, while you concentrate on the things you must do for you. That is to induce your mind to get into the precise gear for the responsibility at hand.

One of the most potent ways of training your mind to be assured and motivated to lose weight is to use visualization methods. These succeed by using your imagination to envision yourself being at the idyllic weight and having the perfect body figure that you crave. When you get a picture in your imagination of how you desire to be, then targeting for that outcome becomes to a large extent easier and more liable to happen. But you can bring visualization one step further by using photos to boost your envisaged result.

Additionally, you can actually produce a series of photos that trace your development throughout the process from start to finish. The first photo shows you as you are seen as before you get going. This is the likeness that you place someplace prominent to remind you of what you intend to reject the old you. The fridge is a satisfactory position to place this one. That's because it's the single site that you go to in order to maintain that not needed, flabby shape of yours! Each time you go to open the fridge door, you'll notice that photograph and will not be too keen about reaching for the ice cream!

As you persist with your weight loss program, then week by week you'll take a new photo of yourself to visually follow your steps forward and form a real vision of you losing weight and how admirably you're doing. This is an added compelling exercise in inspiring you to be successful, as as you travel through your week, you'll be very perceptive that the ending of it will establish another picture and you'll be keen to make sure that photograph confirms an improvement. As you notice you are losing weight, you're stirred to persevere with doing all you can, to ensure the subsequent picture illustrates you looking trimmer and healthier than the previous one.

So you understand that as a compelling technique to aid you to lose weight successfully, using snapshots to track your weight loss progress is particularly practical. Your impulse rises as your probability of disappointment diminishes thanks to the constructive mental strengthening of having a weekly visual purpose to work towards.

Weight Loss Tips

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Losing Weight In Small Steps

Its a pretty well known fact that in the process of losing weight, plenty of people are likely to get involved with the one of the most up to date fad diets, or this or that most recent thing hoping to be shedding a few pounds as rapidly as possible so that they can look totally great for some notable occasion that's equally rapidly approaching in their personal social calendar. They will latch on to whatever the most popular tips for shedding excess pounds happen to be at the time, whether they are workable or not.

Well, that's absolutely fine if all they want to do is lose those few pounds in the short term. They certainly should not be all that aghast when it all comes piling back on again shortly after that all important occurrence has been and gone!

That's because fast diets and other fat loss schemes often usually fail.

Why Do People Fail to Lose Weight?

They usually fail as the person trying them often fails to have the necessary motivation to keep up the good work they began doing. This can be for a variety of reasons. But the most common of these is that they simply did not get pleasure from the way they were losing that excess weight.

That is not to say that they didn't derive pleasure from the end result, naturally! It was more like the procedure itself that got them there that they didn't like too much!

Therefore when it comes to getting back in shape, the real magic is to ensure that whatever system of reducing your size you opt for is enjoyable enough, that you will not lose motivation or hope. It's accepted that when anyone stays with a diet and/or exercise program long enough, they are going to not only lose the bulk of what they yearn to lose, but they are liable to keep it off.

So what do you suppose are the most successful tips to fulfill that long term objective?

Achieving Success

Well, for example it is much easier to stay with a diet that is absorbing and has lots of alternatives, rather than one which is boring and inflexible. There are options such as diet food home delivery or the more traditional dietitian created diet sheet plan to work with and you can tailor them to be as interesting as you want.

Likewise, it's also more straightforward to not fail with an exercise routine that is interesting and varied that you can really have fun with and enjoy. It's important that what you're doing is what you want to be doing and is much more attractive than the kind of workout program that is tough work and more like an army fitness regime that has you gasping for it to stop long before it's over.

So, at the end of the day we can see that the key to the most real way of losing weight is to make it as nice, enjoyable and not rigid as possible. That way the unwanted pounds will not only drop off easy, but it will remain off as well!

Reference: http://loseweight.intervalinc.com

Saturday, 24 January 2009

Easy Weight Loss Tips

Easy weight loss tips must sound like an almost unbelievable idea, but in reality its quite the opposite. Weight loss can be easy if you are in the right frame of mind to make it so. The last post here "Slimming with Water", looked at how drinking plenty of water throughout the day is one of the best slimming agents there is. So here, I'm going to take that idea further by looking at it as one of the easy weight loss tips that there are, as well as some others.

So back to water, briefly. Why is water such a good strategy when there are a plethora of pills and potions that you can get at the pharmacist or nutritionist store?

Well for starters, its free!

Losing weight doesn't get any cheaper than that! Add to that it is freely and easily available wherever you go, which means there's no excuses for not drinking plenty of it. On top of that, it is a big part of our body's make up, so complements our natural state of being. So don't turn your nose up at something that is free, readily available and works!

Next, an easy and free resource that everyone who wants to lose weight should make the best use of is their minds. Again, these are free, readily available and the bets part is they can be trained to work almost automatically. Think I'm kidding?

Your mind is what controls your body, so of course it is the best weapon you can possibly have when it comes to health, fitness and weight loss. You can train your mind by telling it what it should do. That's right! One way is by repetitive or rote mental teaching that is as easy as repeating a positive phrase, or affirmation over and over in your mind every day, like:

"I am healthy and my body is achieving its perfect weight"


"Every day I am getting healthier, slimmer and feel better"

Make some up of your own that suit the way you talk to yourself in your own head. Just make them positive affirmations and avoid the negative like the plague. Things like "I'm not fat any more"or "I wish I wasn't so overweight" are negative and will have the wrong effect. Make the affirmation in the present tense, make them what you want and NOT what you don't want, make them believable to you and make them fun!

These can be repeated whenever you have a few free minutes all throughout the day, like if you're stuck waiting in a queue. Don't get frustrated at having to wait, turn it into a positive moment and use it to say your affirmations to yourself!

So when it comes to discovering some of the best weight loss tips, it pays to think outside the box occasionally. Then you'll discover that every cloud really does have a silver lining when you know how!

Ok, that's all for today. See you again next time!

Weight Loss Tips